Using the XPath window
  • 25 May 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Using the XPath window

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Article Summary

Every time you select an element in the Agent Builder, Mozenda generates an XPath expression to guide the agent to the proper location. These auto-generated XPath expressions are generally reliable, but learn how to customize your own XPath expressions, to increase the speed, reliability, and flexibility of your agents.

More than anything else in your Mozenda toolbox, XPath skills take your agent building to the next level..

Open the XPaths window

To manually edit or view an agent’s XPaths, you need to display the XPaths tool in the Agent Builder.

  1. Open the Agent Builder.
  2. Select File > Windows.
  3. Select XPaths.
  4. Select SAVE.

windows open.gif

The XPaths tool can display in a separate window or in part of the tab group at the bottom of the Agent Builder.

  1. View an action’s XPath by selecting the action from the actions list at the left of the agent builder.

    The XPath (the address of the action) displays in the Xpaths window. For example:

Xpath windowsss.gif

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