Enter a list of values from a file into a text box
  • 14 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Enter a list of values from a file into a text box

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Article summary

Some websites require text input to show the data you’re looking for.

You can use a spreadsheet (CSV format) to automate inputting information.

The spreadsheet or list must meet the following criteria to be used by the agent as an input:

  • It must be a .csv file type.
  • The filename and the field headers can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, or hyphens.

Load a .csv for text entry

  1. Select the text box that you want to populate.
  2. Select Create an Input List.
  3. Select Import File.
  4. Select Browse and select the .csv file.
  5. Select Open.
  6. If your file contains column headers in the first row, select The first row in this file contains field names.
  7. Select Import > Create Collection.
  8. Select the .csv column that contains the data you'll use in the text entry field.
  9. Select OK.
  10. Test your agent to confirm the inputs from your spreadsheet match the text in the webpage text box.

You might need to add an action to your agent to select the Search button.

Using an input list

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