Set an agent to request images during processing
  • 14 May 2024
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Set an agent to request images during processing

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Article summary

By default, Mozenda renders web pages without loading images to speed up the data collection process. If images are needed for your project, you can set the agent to request them.

In the Web Console:

  1. Select Agents > Agents.
  2. Select the name of the specific agent.
  3. Select .
  4. Select Harvesting.
  5. Select the Behavior tab.
  6. Select Request web page images during processing.

Set an Agent to Request Images During Processing_Image1

  1. (Optional) If you plan to capture screenshots from web pages, select the Advanced tab, then select Maximize the browser windows during processing.
    • Websites that adjust to the viewport size might display a mobile-friendly version with different information. Enabling this option will maximize the browser window on the server-side to request a desktop-sized version of the site.

Set an Agent to Request Images During Processing_Image2

  1. Select SAVE.

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