API response objects
  • 14 May 2024
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API response objects

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Article summary

The REST API is available to all Enterprise customers.

Some of the responses from from the REST API include objects with various attributes. These API response objects are listed below.


AgentIDnumericUnique identifier of the agent.
SourcesCollectionstringList of collections (comma-separated if more than one) which the agent sources to.
CreateddatetimeDate and time when the agent is created.
ModifieddatetimeDate and time that the agent was last modified.
NamestringName of the agent.
DescriptionstringDescription of the agent.
SettingsstringSettings of the agent.
StartingURLstringStarting URL of the agent.
StatusstringThe status of the agent.

Agent (Combined Collections)

AgentIDUnique identifier of the agent.
SourcesCollectionList of collections (comma-separated if more than one) which the agent sources to.

NamestringThe name of the cookie store.
DescriptionstringA description of the cookie store.
ItemIDnumericUnique identifier of the cookie store.
CreatedstringDate and time when the cookie store is created.
CreatedBystringThe user who created the cookie store.


temIDnumericUnique identifier of the cookie.
CookieStoreIDnumericUnique identifier of the cookie store.
SettingsstringSettings for the cookie.
NamestringThe cookie name.
ValuestringThe cookie value.
DomainstringThe cookie domain.
ExpiresstringThe cookie expiration date.
TimeStampstringDate and time attached to the cookie.
HttpOnlybooleanFlag which tells the browser that the cookie should only be accessed by the server.
SecurebooleanFlag which tells the browser only to provide the cookie if the request is transmitted over HTTPS.
PathstringPath attached to the cookie.
VersionstringVersion attached to the cookie.
CommentstringComments on the cookie.
CommentUristringOptional comment representing entended usage of the URL.
PortnumericTCP ports that the cookie applies to.


CollectionIDnumericUnique identifier of the collection.
NamestringName of the collection.
DescriptionstringA description of the collection.
DefaultViewIDnumericUnique identifier for the default view of the collection.
AgentIDnumericUnique identifier for the agent that corresponds to the collection.

Collection (Publisher)

Universal fields

CollectionNamestringName of the collection.
CollectionIDnumericUnique identifier of the collection.
AgentIDnumericUnique identifier of the agent.
PublishWhenAgentCompletesbooleanYes if the corresponding agent should publish when it completes running.
CreatedstringDate and time when the agent is created.
CreatedBystringWho created the agent.
DescriptionstringDescription of the collection.
ViewIDnumericUnique identifier of the view.
BookmarkIDnumericThe ID of the bookmark you're publishing from (usually 0).
FileFormatstringPublishing file format (CSV, TSV, XML, JSON, XLSX).
FileNamestringThe published file name (user specified).
FileIncludeHeaderbooleanTrue if the published file should include headers.
MethodstringThe selected method of publishing.
IncludePackagesbooleanTrue if file packages should be published with the data.
ItemStatusIncludeColumnbooleanTrue if item status columns should be included.
ItemStatusIncludeAddedbooleanTrue if the added item status column should be included.
ItemStatusIncludeChangedbooleanTrue if the changed item status column should be included.
ItemStatusIncludeUnchagedbooleanTrue if the unchanged item status column should be included.
ItemStatusIncludeRemovedbooleanTrue if the removed item status column should be included.
ItemStatusIncludeChangeMarkupbooleanTrue if change markup will be included.
SearchTextstringGives ability to filter results further (as though you had entered something in a collection's search box in the Web Console).
SearchFieldstringThe field that SearchText searches in. By default, searches all fields.
FileCompressionFormatstringThe compression formats of the data file that will be sent. Options are GZip, SevenZip, and Zip. Defaults to no compression.
FilePackageCompressionFormatstringThe compression formats of the package file that will be sent. FilePacakgeCompressionFormat will only be used if IncludePackages is true. Options are TarGZip, SevenZip, Tar and Zip. The default for FilePackageCompressionFormat is Zip.

FTP fields

FtpServerstringThe FTP server address.
FtpPortnumericThe port.
FtpDirectorystringThe directory path.
FtpUserstringThe FTP user.
FtpPasswordstringThe password.
FtpUsePassivebooleanWhether to use passive mode. Yes/True or No/False.
FtpProtocolstringThe FTP protocol.
FtpSSLProtocolstringThe SSL Protocol to use.

Email fields

EmailAddressstringThe email address to send the data to.
EmailSubjectstringThe subject of the email.

Amazon S3 fields

AmazonS3AuthenticationTokenstringThe access key for the AWS account or IAM user.
AmazonS3SignRequestTokenstringThe secret key for the AWS account or IAM user.
AmazonS3BucketPathstringThe S3 bucket path.
AmazonS3BucketRegionstringThe S3 bucket region.

Azure Storage fields

MicrosoftAzureStorageAccountNamestringThe Azure Storage account name.
MicrosoftAzureStorageAccountKeystringThe Azure account key.
MicrosoftAzureStorageContainerNamestringThe blob container name.

Dropbox fields

DropboxAccountstringThe email address associated with the Dropbox account.
DropboxFolderstringThe folder path.

Google Drive fields

GoogleAccountstringThe email address associated with the Google Drive account.
GoogleFolderstringThe folder path.


Universal fields

AgentID or SequenceIDnumericUnique identifier for the agent or sequence.
FrequencystringNone, Once, Interval, Daily, EveryWeekday, Weekly, or Monthly.
StartsdatetimeThe datetime the schedule starts. yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss


RepeatIntervalnumericThe interval the schedule repeats on in minutes.
EndsdatetimeThe datetime the schedule stops. Leave blank for never. yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss


RepeatEverynumericRepeat every __ days. E.g. 3
RepeatIntervalnumericThe interval the schedule repeats on in minutes.
EndsdatetimeThe datetime the schedule ends. Leave blank for never. yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss

Every Weekday

RepeatEverynumericRepeat every __ weeks. E.g. 3.
RepeatIntervalnumericThe interval the schedule repeats on in minutes.
RepeatIntervalHournumericHow many hours do you want the RepeatInterval to repeat? Between 1 and 24.
EndsdatetimeThe datetime the schedule ends. Leave blank for never. yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss


RepeatEverynumericRepeat every __ days. E.g. 3
RunOnstringComma delimited list of which weekdays the schedule runs on.
RepeatIntervalnumericThe interval the schedule repeats on in minutes.
RepeatIntervalHournumericHow long the RepeatInterval will go for. Number between 1 and 24.
EndsdatetimeThe datetime the schedule ends. yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss


RepeatEverynumericRepeat every __ days.
RepeatBystringEither Day or DayOfWeek.
RepeatIntervalnumericThe interval the schedule repeats on in minutes.
RepeatIntervalHournumericThe number of hours the RepeatInterval continues.
EndsdatetimeThe datetime the schedule ends. yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss


FieldIDnumericUnique identifier for the field.
CollectionIDnumericUnique identifier for the collection the field belongs to.
NamestringThe name of the field.
DescriptionstringA description for the field.
FormatstringThe format of the field (Text, DateTime, URL, File, or Number).
IsSystembooleanWhether or not the field is a System (not user-created) field.
IsUniquebooleanWhether or not the field is set as a unique field.


ActiveJobbooleanIf the job is in any status other than Done.
CreateddatetimeDate and time when the job is created.
ModifieddatetimeDate and time when the job was last modified.
ItemSourceNamestringThe name of the source of the item.
JobIDnumericUnique identifier of the job.
NamestringName of the job.
DescriptionstringA description of the job.
JobTypestringType of job, e.g. WebPageHarvest for jobs which run an agent.
StatestringInternal field indicating the job's state.
StatusstringThe status of the job. A more cleaned up version of State.
CommandstringSystem field indicating different activity triggers for the job (e.g. Stop, Start ) from a user, schedule, or sequence step.
StartstringDate and time when a postponed job should start.
StartedstringDate and time when the job started.
EndedstringDate and time when the job ended.
JobRestrictionstringFor WebPageHarvest jobs, the domain they run against.
JobKeystringA guide unique identifier for the job.
ScheduleIDstringSystem field indicating the ID of the schedule which created the job.
ScheduleItemTypestringSystem field indicating the type of the scheduled item.
ScheduleItemIDstringThe AgentID for job type WebPageHarvest. The CollectionID for job types ReportRefreshData and CollectionUniquesRebuild. The ID of the publisher for publish** jobs**.
ErrorCodestringThe most recent error code thrown by the job.
ErrorMessagestringExplanation of the most recent error thrown by the job.
ErrorDetailstringDetailed explanation of the most recent error thrown by the job.
ErrorFirststringDateand time of the first error the job encountered.
ErrorLaststringDate and time of the most recent error the job encountered.
ErrorCountnumericThe number of errors the job has encountered.
WarningFirststringDate and time of the first warning the job encountered.
WarningLaststringDate and time of the most recent warning the job has encountered.
WarningCountstringThe number of warnings the job has encountered.
BatchIDnumericUnique identifier of the batch of jobs this job is associated with.
BatchOrdernumericThe order of the job in its batch.
SequenceIDnumericUnique identifier for the sequence that started the job.
DurationnumericThe number of seconds the job has been running (not queued, errored, paused, etc.).


ListNamestringName of the agent, view, and ViewID.
AgentPagenumericPage that the agent is currently on.
TypestringAction type that the agent is on.
RestartItemIndexnumericThe index of the list the agent was on when the job stopped.

Active Job

JobIDnumericUnique identifier of the job.
StatusstringThe status of the job. A more cleaned up version of State.
JobTypestringType of job, e.g. WebPageHarvest for jobs which run an agent.
AgentIDstringUnique identifier of the agent.

Rebuild Job

JobIDnumericUnique identifier of the job.
JobTypestringType of job, e.g. CollectionCombinedRebuild for jobs which run an are combining the collections.
StatusstringThe status of the job. A more cleaned up version of State.
CollectionIDstringUnique identifier of the collection.


ItemIDnumericUnique identifier of the sequence.
NamestringName of the sequence.
StatusstringCurrent status of the sequence (e.g. Done, Paused, Queued, etc).
ConfigstringSteps included in the sequence.
ProgressstringIf running or paused, the name of the step that the sequence is currently on.
NextRunTimedatetimeDate and time the sequence is scheduled to run.
LastRunTimedatetimeDate and time the sequence last ran.
LastRunResultstringThe result the last time the sequence was run (e.g. Done, Cancelled).


SequenceStepIDnumericUnique identifier of the sequence step.
StepNumbernumericThe order that the step is executed within the sequence. The step number is shared by steps that run concurrently.
StepstringThe name of the step.
ConfigstringConfiguration settings set by the user.
StatusstringCurrent status of the step (e.g. Done, Paused, Queued, etc.).
ProgressstringFunctions only if the agent uses a Data List. If running or paused, the percentage of inputs in the Data List that have been processed (e.g. 3 out of 4 items (75%))
StepTypestringType of step (e.g. Run agent, Clear collection, Publish a collection, etc).
StepItemIDnumericUnique identifier of the specific item that the step acts against. E.g. for an AgentRun step this is the AgentID.
SettingsstringSettings set by the user.


AgentIDnumericUnique identifer of the agent.
ConcurrentJobsnumericNumber of jobs set to run concurrently. Default is 1.
ResumeErrorCountnumericNumber of times the sequenceresumes errors before the sequence errors.
ResumeErrorCodesstringTypes of errors that the agent should resume when encountered in a comma delimited list.
StepParameter.<ParamName>stringSet the value of a parameter name to a parameter value. Add as many parameters as necessary.


CollectionIDnumericUnique identifer of the collection.
DeleteItemsbooleanYes, No, True, False - Yes/True to delete all items for the collection. Default is No.
DeleteJobHistorybooleanYes, No, True, False - Yes/True to delete all job history for the collection. Default is No.
DeleteImagesFilesbooleanYes, No, True, False - Yes/True to delete all images and files for the collection. Default is No.
DeleteFilePackagesbooleanYes, No, True, False - Yes/True to delete all file packages for the collection. Default is No.


CollectionIDnumericUnique identifer of the collection.
ViewIDnumericUnique identifier of the view.


CollectionIDnumericUnique identifer of the collection.
ViewIDnumericUnique identifier of the view.
PublisherPublisherSee Collection.SetPublisher for the required fields for creating a publish step.


CollectionIDnumericUnique identifer of the collection.
FieldNamestringName of the field being updated.
FieldValuestringNew value for the field.
MaxItemsnumericThe number of items to be updated. Default is all.


SequenceIDnumericUnique identifier of the sequence.

Step Parameter

NamestringName of the parameter applied.
ValuestringValue assigned to the parameter.


CollectionIDnumericUnique Identifier for the collection.
NamestringName of the view.
DescriptionstringDescription of the view.
IsSystembooleanWhether or not the view is system created.
IsAgentGroupbooleanWhether or not the view is an agent group view.

View Criteria

FieldIDnumericUnique identifier of the field.
ViewCriteriastringUnique identifier of the view criteria.
ComparisonOrdernumberThe number of the view criteria in comparison with other view criteria for the view.
AndOrstringAnd or or if it has been applied to the criteria.
OperatorstringThe operator of the view criteria.
ComparisonValuestringThe value the field is being compared to.
NamestringThe name of the field.

View Sort

ViewSortIDnumericUnique identifier for the sort option.
FieldIDnumericUnique identifier for the field being sorted.
IsAscendingbooleanTrue if the field is sorted in ascending order. False if descending order.

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