Map multiple values into one
  • 12 Mar 2025
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Map multiple values into one

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Article summary

You should try and map as many individual parts of the title as possible. However, while doing so, you should also avoid mapping too much into a single property.

Let's look at an example. In this instance, you are mapping a product and you don't care about the OS or screen sizes and proceed to map the title as follows:
z product_mapping mapping_mistakes example1.png

We mapped z product_mapping mapping_mistakes example2.png to a general catch-all property group called “attributes”. Although it's easier to map this chunk of information right now, what this means is that you now have to map every possible combination of attributes (general bits of information that don't fall into your specific, required properties) that you could encounter — and all the ways they could write them —which is a never-ending list of mapping combinations.

In this example, it is better to break up the elements in the title and include additional properties for mapping to reduce needing to map large chunks of information under one property.

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